Wednesday 16 October 2013

Product Comparison: Japanese Beer

I drink beer but I do not know alot about it. Especially when you talk about ingredients and nutrition facts (if there is any) of it.  To me as long the beer is cold, it is a good beer.

But today, I want to share with you the different taste I personally experience after trying these Japanese beer. (Background: I have been in love with Japan after since my wife (who then was my girlfriend) insisted in going to Japan for a short getaway. I am really grateful to her ever since in opening my eyes to the world)

The beers that I am comparing today are: Asahi, Sapporo, Kirin. These are within available at local supermarkets that cost around $4 - 6 ++ SGD (depending on the size).

Asahi Mini Cans (125 ml)

Shape and form of the design gives a very tough and robust feel. Giving a industrial touch to the can. With the word "生" printed on the can gives me a feeling that the beer is unprocessed and raw like sashimi. It gives a light malt taste - a light beer. I can imagine myself having this after a long day of hard work and kill the thirst and accompanied by a few light snacks (fries, wedges).

However, I remember bringing a group of "Ang Mo" film crews to drink this and they almost kill me for it. Because the taste is not rich enough for them.

Asahi Mini Cans (650 ml)
It gives a taste similar to Tiger Beer but lighter. I would guess that the taste is similar because of the malt. I had this will a small serving of almond and walnut. Together with the beer it intensify the flavor of the light snacks that I am chewing on.

With a narrow shape on the bottom of the can, it is easy to handle and how with care. Suitable for an Asian hand.  This sort of resolve that issue of spillage when you are drunk.
But with it shape, The capacity of the beer also increase from average 500ml to 650ml :)
Good enough to feel the kick and have a good night sleep after that.

Kirin Beer (500 ml) - Rewarded by Wifey
The strong barley malt and hops can be sensed once it is opened. It is light gold in coloured. The beer also tasted thin but have powerful barley taste that is stronger than other the other 2 Japanese beer (Asahi & Sapporo). Unfortunately, I didn't have it with any light snacks during this serving, which I "mentally" place this beer to be my last choice.
My wife had a tasted of it and rejected the taste. But as for me, as long the beer is cold, it is good enough.

Overall, I would prefer to have Sapporo with light snacks to compliment with. That would really make my night a perfect night.

Which one of the 3 would you prefer and why? And maybe what kind of snacks would you pair up with ? Leave your comments :)

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