Thursday 30 January 2014

Police Story 2013 by Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan has done it again and made the film beautiful during this time. Personally, I felt that the movie had fanastic cutways and amazing storyboard. Comparing to James Bond - Skyfall (2012) distributed by MGM, the Police Story 2013 had many flashback that leads from assumption to the the complete story of a brother wanting to find the reason of his younger sister death. The sequence of the film contains flashback of Wu's sister's death among the witnesses. (view the whole plot here via Wiki)

The film itself had unveil the true compassion side of the Chinese people before communism. In my opinion, the outreach of communism had hurt the Chinese people in protecting their Chinese heritage and values which in display to the Western world that Chinese are selfish and money-minded. But through this film, the director had display the hidden gem of Chinese culture that we are compassionate, understanding, honesty, heroism and the true heart of parents willing to die for their child.

Nonetheless, the cinema vertie style relates to the audience the realism of the film. The cinematography had a unique taste which was different from other Jackie Chan's film. The style works as in this present age movie-goers are looking to feel satisfied in relating to the realism of this world rather than just fantasy.

My popcorn rating 5 out of 5, if not I would not waste my time posting it on the blog :)

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