Saturday 2 November 2013

Product Comparison: Cloudy Apple Juice

I am not a coffee drinker. So whenever I go to Starbucks with my friends, i would get chocolate or tea as my beverage. But for the past few days, I have been getting juices when I do meet ups at Starbucks. Mainly because of the hot weather, it is so hard to swallow hot drinks.

I have been getting cold Cloudy Apple Juice since then and found out that it is actually 4 times for healthier than clear apple juice

Cloudy Apple Juice from Starbucks ($5.90)

Other than the health benefits, the texture of it gives a real deal on how a NATURAL apple juice should taste like. 

But with that price, I find it expensive and find it difficult to spend if I would to consume it daily. Coincidentally, I came across another Cloudy Apple Juice sold at Cold Storage.

Cloudy Apple Juice from Cold Storage

The Cloudy Apple Juice from Cold Storage taste as natural as Starbucks.

Comparing both product side by side, the colour is no different from each other

And the price of Cold Storage's Cloudy Apple Juice - $1.90 !!  
But I bought it at a even lower price.

 Reduce to Clear $0.49 for Cold Storage Cloudy Apple Juice

Definitely a great deal for me! But I am looking forward for larger capacity to be sold by Cold Storage so I don't have to feed on small bottles everytime I want to consume it.

I have yet to find out another brands to compare with. If you came across any other brand that sell Cloudy Apple Juice, drop in the comment box below :)